EastEnders: Denzel overheard Yolande assault secret, fans predict

In the Tuesday, May 7th episode of EastEnders, Yolande finally confided in Patrick regarding Pastor Clayton’s attack on her.

Denzel then showed Patrick how to play a song through the speakers in an attempt to lift Yolande’s spirits.

It has now been predicted by viewers of the BBC soap opera that Denzel is aware of Yolande’s attack.

EastEnders: Patrick learned the truth

Patrick eventually found out the truth about Pastor Clayton’s attack on Yolande in a special two-hander episode of the soap opera.

Elaine informed Patrick over the phone after Yolande asked her to do so because she couldn’t bear to tell him the news herself.

Yolande then locked herself in the bathroom when Patrick attempted to speak with her. Then, infuriated by the circumstances, Patrick ran outside to address the Pastor, but Yolande intervened to stop him.

After Yolande opened up, Patrick tried to make her feel better by putting on a song through the speakers.

He clarified that he was hoping it would work because Denzel had shown him how to pair his phone with the Bluetooth speakers.

Yolande then confessed, in a touching moment, that she would be reporting the Pastor to church authorities.

EastEnders fans ‘work out’ huge Denzel truth twist

Some fans have speculated that Patrick might have unintentionally connected his phone to Denzel’s phone or speakers while he was attempting to recall how to connect it to the speakers.

Denzel must have overheard Yolande and Patrick discussing the assault details since Yolande told Patrick about them.

“I seriously thought that they were going to go with Denzel having heard the whole thing because of Bluetooth or something omg,” a fan wrote in their comment.

In response, another fan said, “OMG, I thought that too!!!” We are still unsure for sure.

“I think that the Pastor’s downfall will have something to do with the Bluetooth,” a third viewer commented.

Does Denzel know about the Pastor’s assault on Yolande?

In an attempt to recall what Denzel had told him, Patrick acknowledged that he was having trouble getting the music to come through the speakers.

Did Denzel, though, hear Yolande divulge the specifics of the attack? Will he exact retribution on Pastor Clayton and hold him accountable for his fall?