Emmerdale: Belle needs to stand up to Tom and leave him, fans beg

On Wednesday, May 8, Emmerdale, Belle attempted to talk to Tom about what transpired at the dinner party.

But Tom told Belle that they should put it behind them and move on.

Fans of Emmerdale have now urged Belle to act and leave her violent husband.

Emmerdale: Tom refused to discuss his behaviour with Belle

Belle questioned Tom last night about their ability to communicate clearly about what transpired following the dinner party.

At first, Tom was in agreement, but when Belle attempted to bring up the subject, he stated that it had already been covered enough and that nothing more needed to be said.

Subsequently, Belle informed Tom that he was behaving strangely, as though nothing significant had occurred when he had burned her hands.

Belle was bandaged by Tom for her injury before he made out that she had burned herself. He did not accept responsibility for her hands being submerged in boiling water.

Belle then consented to move on from the incident, hoping to avoid a disastrous marriage like Rhona and Marlon’s.

Emmerdale fans urge Belle to defend herself against Tom

Belle made an attempt to confront Tom about his actions and stand up to him, but she eventually gave in to his demands.

Fans now want Belle to find the courage to leave Tom as soon as possible because they are tired of her actions.

A fan questioned: “Omg, Belle saying she’s sorry to Tom. After the way he treated her the night before, how is she able to do that? In any case, talking more will not help.

“I’m losing my patience with you, Belle,” said a second.

A third viewer voiced their displeasure, asking why Belle was shown as being so dim and timid. That is not who she has ever been. If the writing hadn’t been so crass, she would have returned to her family right away. I know that abusers can wear you down.

“I’m not sure why Belle gives in every single time?” concluded the fourth fan.

Will Belle fight back against Tom?

According to next week’s Emmerdale spoilers, Tom pushes Belle farther away from her family.

In order to maintain financial control over her, he also opens a joint bank account. Will Belle, though, fight back?