3 Ways To Get More Traffic From Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the best tools available for analyzing web traffic. It’s free, easy to set up and offers an array of advanced reports and custom dashboards.


Google Analytics

The Google Analytics reporting interface is a great tool for anyone who wants to track their site traffic in detail. However, it can be intimidating to navigate. We’ve taken the mystery out of getting traffic reports out of Google Analytic by providing a step-by-step tutorial, including screenshots, videos, and sample reports. Here are three ways to get more traffic from Google Analytic.

1. Google Analytics – Overview of Basic Features

It’s a must-have for any website, especially if you’re just starting out or are looking for a simple overview. With over 15 years of experience, Google has built this easy-to-use platform to help you increase conversions and boost traffic. Read this guide to learn about the three main parts of Google Analytic to help you understand this powerful tool.

2. Google Analytics – Custom Events and Interactions

Custom Events and Interactions give us an idea of what’s really happening within our site, whether it’s conversions, bounce rates, and/or time spent on pages. They help us figure out the root causes of problems and understand why people aren’t converting and why they’re leaving the site. We can use Custom Events and Interactions to see if changes to the site have increased or decreased the amount of traffic coming to specific pages of our site.

3. Google Analytics – Custom Funnels

With Google Analytic you can see exactly which pages your customers are coming from. You can also find out how people got to your site. Where did they click from? The information that the tool provides is useful because it lets you see what people are doing on your site and how they are getting there. This knowledge helps you to understand what works and what doesn’t. Whether you’re using a site builder, a content management system or WordPress, this information will help you make changes to your site to improve how you reach and engage your customers.

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